Providing in-house rail, Logistics Solutions
with registration number K2018442524, was formed in 2018 to be at the forefront of materials handling, terminal management and rail logistics flow management in the rail sector.
Our founding members and shareholders have an intimate knowledge and vast experience of the rail industry and their passion for the rail logistics, rolling stock management & provision and per way infrastructure maintenance. Isabelo African Holdings offers the market and our valued customers a unique proposition, and one which we believe is unmatched by any of our competitors
Execution is our Specialty and our service offering is centered around Isabelo African Holdings planning, designing, providing/sourcing, implementing, managing innovative rail supply chain solutions encompassing a complete offering of rolling stock sourcing, materials handling, terminal/rail siding management and rail logistics flow management; in effect and integrated end to end, pit to port from one organization

Leading trusted rail Logistics company in Africa
We source and provide rolling stock (Locomotives & Wagons), Rolling Stock Spares, Infrastructure Per way Maintenance and Spares. Facilitate the movement of bulk agricultural produce, Chemicals and Bulk Liquids and Mining Commodities through Sub- Saharan Africa.
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